Press & Media
The Global Centre for Climate Mobility (GCCM) acts as a knowledge builder, partnerships broker, and integrator across sectors, stakeholders, and levels of governance, as well as an accelerator in global & regional processes. To do this, GCCM frequently engages with media.
Press Materials
All materials from our archives are available under Creative Commons licence. For access to imagery and video materials, journalists and editors may contact us on
The Global Centre for Climate Mobility (GCCM) presented the Southeast Asia Climate Mobility …

Migration could help people adapt to the impacts of climate change in Africa

Migrations climatiques: en Afrique, «les déplacements se feront plutôt au sein des pays»

Ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttaminen vähentäisi Afrikan muuttoliikettä merkittävästi

How to manage the world’s climate migrants

For Climate Migration, Tech Should Support Human Security Not Border Security

President Museveni Receives Climate Mobility Champion Leader Award

Climate change will force up to 113m people to relocate within Africa by 2050 – new report

As oceans rise, are some nations doomed to vanish?

Drowning island nations: ‘This is how a Pacific atoll dies’

The Climate Crisis Is Making the Pacific Islands Uninhabitable. Who Will Help Preserve Our Nations?

Dealing with Climate Migration in Africa – A New Way Forward
Opinion piece by Raphaela Schweiger, program director in the field of migration at the Robert Bosch Stiftung about the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative presenting a real opportunity for inclusive climate action on the African continent …